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How to set up (on Geotab)
To configure data integration between Revvo and Geotab, contact Revvo.
How to set up (with partner)
- Visit https://www.revvo.ai/ and ‘Start Now’.
- Contact Info
- Name: Sean Roper
- Job Title: Director of sales
- Phone: (650)-695-1057
- Email: sean@revvo.ai
- Email: sunjay@revvo.ai
User Manual
Access link1 and link2 for a detailed step by step configuration for this solution.
For issues related to the integration, contact support.
- Email: support@revvo.ai
- Visit: www.company.com/support
- Phone: (650)-695-1057
- Support Document - Revvo.pdf
Please contact your reseller for any other questions.
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