How Solar-Powered Asset Tracking Outshines Conventional Methods

By Phillips Connect • Order Now Marketplace Partner | September 17, 2024

Solar-powered asset tracking presents an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional battery-powered tracking options. Solar also raises the bar in terms of efficiency and dependability. Here are some ways that solar-powered asset tracking outperforms traditional tracking methods.

Enhanced Reliability and Performance

Uninterrupted Tracking

Consistent performance is one of the standout benefits of solar-powered tracking. Conventional battery-powered trackers can fail due to battery depletion, especially in remote or challenging environments. Solar trackers, with their ability to continuously recharge, offer uninterrupted service, ensuring constant asset visibility.

Wider Operational Range

Solar-powered trackers function in remote, off-grid locations and aren’t constrained by the need for power sources. If tracking over expansive areas such as maritime logistics or large-scale agriculture, solar is likely crucial to the fleet’s success.

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Scalability and Flexibility

Ready to Grow

As fleets grow, the scalable nature of solar-powered devices makes them a cost-effective solution. Installation and maintenance costs don’t increase significantly with the size of the fleet, making them a smart choice for both small and large operations.

Adaptable to Various Assets

Solar trackers can be adapted to a wide range of assets. From vehicles to containers to even livestock, solar tracker flexibility is a key advantage over some conventional tracking systems that are limited in application.

Environmental Sustainability

Using solar power helps reduce the carbon footprint of fleet operations, which can be an indirect cost benefit. Companies may qualify for green incentives, tax breaks, or credits, and they can leverage their commitment to sustainability in marketing, potentially leading to new business opportunities.

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Lower Maintenance and Operational Costs

Reduced Operational Costs Needs

Solar-powered devices reduce the need for regular battery replacements or wired power, which can significantly cut down on maintenance and operational costs. This is especially important for large fleets where the cumulative cost of battery replacements can be substantial.

Increased Device Lifespan

Solar-powered tracking devices typically have a longer lifespan than their battery-powered counterparts. The reliance on solar energy can decrease wear and tear on the battery, extending the overall service life of the device and reducing the frequency of replacements.

Reduced Downtime

With battery-powered devices, there's always a risk of the device running out of power, leading to gaps in tracking data. Solar-powered devices significantly reduce this risk, ensuring more consistent tracking and potentially reducing the downtime associated with lost vehicles or inefficient routing.

Compliance and Reporting

For fleets subject to regulatory compliance regarding emissions, working hours, or maintenance schedules, the reliable data collection from solar-powered tracking devices can streamline reporting processes and help avoid fines or penalties.

Geotab and Phillips Connect Tracking Solution

Phillips Connect’s SolarNet™ offers a game-changing solution in asset tracking. Leveraging the power of solar energy to offer unparalleled efficiency and sustainability, SolarNet is a solar-powered 4G-LTE solution that stands out with its impressive 10-year battery life, a significant advancement over current industry standards.

With double the battery capacity, SolarNet™ ensures consistent, long-term performance without the frequent need for battery replacements. The device is versatile and can be used on a wide range of assets including trailers, chassis, containers, and construction equipment. This adaptability makes it a perfect fit for various industries, enhancing the tracking and management of valuable assets.

Solar-powered asset tracking is not just a sustainable choice but a smart business decision. Its advantages in terms of reliability, scalability, and cost-effectiveness make it a superior alternative to traditional tracking methods. As we move towards a greener and more efficient future, solar-powered tracking stands out as a key player in revolutionizing asset management.

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Learn more about SolarNet from Phillips Connect on the Geotab Marketplace.

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