How To

Mobile Device Distraction Driving Insurance Increases

How fleet managers can reduce the risks

Did you know that just a five-second glance at a cell phone while driving at a speed of 55 mph is equivalent to driving the length of a football field with your eyes shut?

Distracted driving has become the leading cause of vehicle accidents on the road today according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). In 2020, 324,652 people were injured in the United States due to distracted driving and 8% of all fatal crashes in 2020 involved distracted driving.

Cell phones aren’t the only things distracting drivers. Eating while driving, looking at a billboard or the vehicles around you, even changing the radio station all take attention away from the task at hand—driving safely. Having said that, auto insurers all agree that driver distraction caused by mobile devices is one of the leading causes of crashes today, with 57% of all crashes involving some form of mobile device distraction.

In today’s market where commercial auto insurance saw price increases nearing double digits for the 23rd consecutive quarter, fleet managers need to find ways to not only reduce the risks of distracted driving, but also drive savings on the bottom line.

How can fleet managers reduce the risks of mobile device distraction in their fleets?

1. Understand the laws and create policies

Distracted driving laws, bans on hand-held devices and bans on texting while driving are common across North America with consequences from small monetary fines to jail time. Ensure your drivers understand the laws in their territories and create company policies clearly stating the company’s position on distracted driving.


2. Education is key

Share the dangers of distracted driving and published statistics. Drivers are more likely to comply when they understand the facts and the potential consequences. Be sure drivers also fully understand your company’s policy on distracted driving and have them sign their understanding of the policy. Not only will it protect your company, but it will also create a safer environment for your drivers.


3. Technology can help

Telematics solutions like Geotab can help fleet managers monitor driver behavior and use rules and alerts for in-vehicle driver coaching. Technologies are also available to block mobile device use while driving. LifeSaver Mobile automatically detects drives and blocks cell phone use without additional hardware. This powerful combination keeps your drivers safe, reduces vehicle accidents and can help keep insurance premiums down.


Driver safety is the foundation of all fleet management. Reducing distracted driving helps drivers stay safe and helps your bottom line. Today’s technology like Geotab telematics and LifeSaver Mobile, along with effective training can help you efficiently manage all aspects of your fleet…all while keeping your insurance premiums down.

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San Jose, California