Provided byGeotab Inc.

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  • image of IOX-GOTALK
  • image of IOX-GOTALK

IOX-GOTALK is a text-to-speech expansion for the GO device which can provide spoken alerts to drivers based on rule conditions setup in MyGeotabâ„¢. 


Driver feedback can be provided via two mechanisms:

Device-based rules: These rules are pre-configured in MyGeotab to provide immediate driver feedback, regardless of cellular conditions.  Conditions included in device-based rules include reminders:

  • If a driver fails to swipe their NFC fob or sticker for driver identification
  • If a driver idles greater than a threshold (customer-configurable)
  • If a driver approaches or exceeds a defined threshold (customer-configurable)
  • If a driver exceeds a threshold for engine RPM (customer-configurable )
  • If a driver exceeds dangerous driving thresholds (acceleration, braking, cornering) - customer-configurable
  • If a driver drives without their seatbelt unbuckled
  • If a driver drives in reverse

The alerts associated with these rules are pre-defined in MyGeotab and are not customizable.


Server-based rules:  These rules are customizable in the MyGeotab platform to meet specific conditions or alert content.  They can be tailored to a specific driver or vehicle, utilizing tokens such as driver name, address of the violation, and zone name to provide a detailed account as to where and when the violation occurred.

These rules require a connection to MyGeotab and data to be exchanged between the GO device and MyGeotab.  As a result, feedback will not be delivered in real-time and is not available in out-of-cellular coverage areas.

Features And Benefits

  • Easy-to-install IOX to the Geotab GO device
  • Provides audible text-to-speech feedback to drivers
  • Supports multiple languages (see Specifications for setup)

Device Plan Requirements

Base, Pro, ProPlus, Regulatory



Australia & New Zealand


Central & South America



United States

Supported Languages







Provided byGeotab Inc.

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