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How to set up (on Geotab)
- Equipment should be registered in both Rose Rocket and Geotab, with identical names
- Drivers should be registered in both Rose Rocket and Geotab, with identical names
- In MyGeotab, navigate to People ⇒ Users & Drivers ⇒ Add
- On the new user page configure as following:
- User (Email)
- Must be unique and specific to your Geotab database.
- Include ”-service” in the name
- Specify the the partner organization name, the solution name, or both if they are different
- Include the customer database name if that makes the username unique
- Note: the username does not need to be a valid email address, but it can be.
- Examples of service account names:
- PartnerName-SolutionName-service@Databasename
- SolutionName-service@PartnerName-DatabseName
- Password
- To ensure the service account is secured, the password must adhere to the requirements below
- Minimum 12 characters
- Contains a uppercase letter
- Contains a lowercase letter
- Contains a number
- Contains a symbol (i.e. $ or @).
- Force password change on next login — toggle to No
- Security clearance — View Only
- Data access — select Everything.
- Select “Save” at the top of the screen.
How to set up (with partner)
When you have created the service account, inform your Rose Rocket Solutions Engineer. They will let you know when the integration is running.
User Manual
Access this link for a detailed step-by-step configuration for this solution.
For issues related to the integration, contact support.
- Email: support@roserocket.com
- Visit: https://help.roserocket.com/
Please contact your reseller for any other questions.
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