Trucker Tools

Provided byTrucker Tools

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How to set up (on Geotab)

These are the workflows required to implement the solution:

  • Install the Add-In
  • Log in to MyGeotab and navigate to (1) Administration (2) System (3) System Settings, and select the (4) Add-Ins tab. Click the (5) New Add-In button.
  • Paste the .json code found in User Manual below into the Add-In Configuration window, replacing the sample code that is already there. Click OK.
  • In the System Settings page, toggle Allow unsigned Add-Ins to On and click Save at the top of the page. The Add-In is now installed and available in MyGeotab as ‘Trucker Tools’ from the main menu!
  • Install via Geotab Marketplace
  • Access the Trucker Tools marketplace listing and login to your Getoab account
  • Click “Add To Cart” and click “Cart” in the upper-right corner.
  • Select “Continue” and click “Accept” for the agreement.
  • Click “Continue” again.
  • Trucker Tools add in will be available in your Geotab account main menu.

How to set up (with partner)

User Manual

Access link for a detailed step by step configuration for this solution.


For issues related to the integration, contact support.

Please contact your reseller for any other questions.

Trucker Tools

Provided byTrucker Tools

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