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To learn how to import a report into MyGeotab, view our Reporting Basics training found here.
After downloading this custom report, follow these steps:
Upload Custom Report
- In the database, select Administration > Reports > Dashboard or E-mailed Reports
- Upload the custom report by selecting the Add Excel file button at the top.
Settings for Custom Report
To configure this report as an Emailed or Dashboard report, you will need to apply additional settings.
- Specify the groups for the recipient list
- Set the Report Date Range to your desired time range (Previous 14 days is recommended)
- Similarly, specify a refresh period which will result in new data each cycle start (Every 2 Weeks is recommended).
- Select the group you would like included in the report. By default, it is set to Everything as the user will only receive what they have access to.
- Upon completion, select Save at the top.
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