Weekly Idle Cost - Litres Daily Trend Report

Provided byGeotab Inc.

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  • image of Weekly Idle Cost - Litres Daily Trend Report
  • image of Weekly Idle Cost - Litres Daily Trend Report

This weekly report displays the entire fleet’s idling costs for each day, making it easy for fleet managers to identify the total amount idling is costing their company.

The report calculates the cost based on the industry rule that states: on average, for every hour of idling, a vehicle will burn 3.5 litres of fuel.

The data is displayed with a graph, which can be used to identify weekly trends. The trend line indicates whether or not your fleet is reducing their weekly idle total.

Features And Benefits

  • Trended data to see how your fleet is performing
  • Put an ROI to idle times to reduce costs and keep a healthier fleet
  • Set the current fuel price to get a true cost of idling

Device Plan Requirements

Pro, ProPlus



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United States

Supported Languages


Weekly Idle Cost - Litres Daily Trend Report

Provided byGeotab Inc.

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